Sales Manager Online Course

Full Fee $595.00 incl GST - Best Value!
Payment Plan $800.00 incl GST
Duration 100 hrs (12 months)
Exam Optional
Tutor Support Yes unlimited by email
Qualification Certificate

For any company or organisation to have success financially it must have a desirable product. This product must be of need to a large proportion of the general public. Advertising, using all available media outlets, should get the message across. But the most important link after the manufacturing and advertising (marketing) is the salesperson/sales representative – The person who actually sells the product to the consumer. Without him, the financial/corporate world would come to a halt!

This course will take you from developing a strong personality (confidence and knowledge) through to communication, marketing, dealing with upper management, getting to know your product, the A B C of selling, the opening and closing or a sale, stress management, how to increase your company’s profits, etc.

Course Aims:

  • Explain how a sales concept reflects and aids the marketing goals of an organization.
  • Identify key ways to develop good sales relationships with customers and others.
  • Identify ethical and legal considerations in sales.
  • Explain the importance of product knowledge and what it includes.
  • Explain the role of a developed customer strategy and how to create one.
  • Identify elements of good product presentation.
  • Explain the stages of a sale and how to achieve results.
  • Describe the importance of self-management to sales success.
  • Identify and explain key methods for managing a sales team.
  • Identify and explain key methods for managing a sales team.


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    Detailed Course Outline

    This course is made up of a number of modules.  Each of these has self assessment questions, a set task (practical homework) and an assignment which you can upload online.  Select each module below to learn more.

    There are 8 lessons in this course:

    Developing Your Product Knowledge

    Know Your Consumer

    Identify Sales Prospects

    Develop a Sales Plan

    Implement Sales Plan

    Build Client Relationships and Networks

    Lead and Manage a Sales Team

    Manage Quality Customer Service

    When you have completed the lessons of your Certificate course, you will be given the option of taking the optional exam. It's okay if you don't want the exam, we still issue your Careerline Certificate. For Advanced Certificates however, the exam is compulsory (per module) and are included in the course fee.

    Course Tutor(s)

    Thea Roberts   B.Comm., M.A.

    Liselle Turner  Bachelor of Business (Marketing), Diploma in Hospitality Management, Certificate IV in Training and Assessment

    Chad Osorio  B. Psych. Juris Doctor

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can I pay in installments?

    Yes! We offer great payment plans, however full payment up front is the cheapest. You can choose the best payment plan for you from the course page, or call us on 07 55368782 to talk to one of our course consultants for a custom plan.

    Can I study from anywhere in the world?

    We have many international students. Careerline's range of courses are suitable for any one, anywhere in the world.

    Do I get a discount if I enroll in a second course?

    Yes. You may claim a 5% fee discount when you enroll in a second course, and a further 10% off a three-course package.


    Do I have to sit an Exam?

    No. If you are enrolled in a Certificate course (100hrs), the exam is optional. You will be issued with a certificate which proves that you are competent in all units, if you choose not to sit the exam.

    Do you have set start dates?

    There are no set start dates, you may start at any time. Our courses are all self-paced. As our home page says, ‘Courses for Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime’. ‘Anytime’ includes the start time of your choice. However, we do encourage our students to submit assignments on a regular basis. Wherever possible, we suggest developing a study routine.