Psychology Courses Online

Understanding the human mind is relevant to everything we do in life.  These online psychology courses will give you insight and understanding into behaviour and motivation.  All our psychology students are guided by our expert tutor Dr Nicholas Harris B. Psychology (Hon 1) PhD.

All of our courses are offered online with printed notes available, with unlimited tutor support by email from our qualified, friendly tutors. Find out more or receive your free info pack by emailing us at or call us on 1300 172 882.

Play Leadership Online Course Sale!

Play is one the most important things a child does.  Without play there is no creativity and imagination. Learn to help children play with this unique course. This course will develop valuable skills in anyone working, or wishing to work with children. Our staff have experience training play leaders since the late 1970s, our knowledge in the industry […]

Play is one the most important things a child does.  Without play there is no creativity and imagination. Learn to help children play with this unique course. This course will develop valuable skills in anyone working, or wishing to work with children. Our staff have experience training play leaders since the late 1970s, our knowledge in the industry […]

Psychological Assessment Online Course Sale!

A psychological assessment is when a trained psychologist uses the strategies and tools of psychology to learn general or specific facts about people, either to let others know how they function or to foresee their behaviour and functioning in the future. Learn how Psychological Assessments are carried out. Professional Development Course for anyone working in […]

A psychological assessment is when a trained psychologist uses the strategies and tools of psychology to learn general or specific facts about people, either to let others know how they function or to foresee their behaviour and functioning in the future. Learn how Psychological Assessments are carried out. Professional Development Course for anyone working in […]

Psychology and Counselling Online Course Sale!

Develop your ability to analyse psychological conditions, and apply that knowledge in counselling, or advisory situations.  Learn more about the study of abnormal psychology, behaviours in different situations, stress and counselling. Course Aims: Identify the nature of conflict and stress and why this issue affects so many people today. Identify and examine behaviours that are […]

Develop your ability to analyse psychological conditions, and apply that knowledge in counselling, or advisory situations.  Learn more about the study of abnormal psychology, behaviours in different situations, stress and counselling. Course Aims: Identify the nature of conflict and stress and why this issue affects so many people today. Identify and examine behaviours that are […]

Psychopharmacology Online Course Sale!

Obtain insight and comprehension about drug and alcohol abuse and its affect on our behaviour. This course is highly recommended for drug and alcohol counsellors in combination with Conflict Management. Course Aims: Understand the origins and changes in drug use in society; Identify patterns of drug-taking behaviour; Identify social, psychological and physical consequences of drug-taking […]

Obtain insight and comprehension about drug and alcohol abuse and its affect on our behaviour. This course is highly recommended for drug and alcohol counsellors in combination with Conflict Management. Course Aims: Understand the origins and changes in drug use in society; Identify patterns of drug-taking behaviour; Identify social, psychological and physical consequences of drug-taking […]

Beahviour Profiling Course Online

Behavioural Profiling in Recruitment, Educational, Criminal Behaviour and Marketing Learn more about the use of psychological and behavioural profiling in a wide range of settings.  A profile helps us to find out more about a person, what they are really like, their characteristics and personality.  We often assume that behavioural profiling is used mainly in […]

Behavioural Profiling in Recruitment, Educational, Criminal Behaviour and Marketing Learn more about the use of psychological and behavioural profiling in a wide range of settings.  A profile helps us to find out more about a person, what they are really like, their characteristics and personality.  We often assume that behavioural profiling is used mainly in […]

Consumer Behaviour Course Online

Understand how consumers think and how to make the most of this information for your business. There are many ways that an understanding of marketing psychology can be applied to entice people into buying products. Often, consumers are unaware of subtle forms of persuasion. One of the basic ways that marketing psychology has been used […]

Understand how consumers think and how to make the most of this information for your business. There are many ways that an understanding of marketing psychology can be applied to entice people into buying products. Often, consumers are unaware of subtle forms of persuasion. One of the basic ways that marketing psychology has been used […]

Social Psychology Online Course Sale!

Learn the psychology of how we interact with each other in group or social situations. Man is a social animal, and as such, it is very important to understand the psychology of how we interact with each other, or act as a group rather than as an individual. By understanding the “natural” social needs of […]

Learn the psychology of how we interact with each other in group or social situations. Man is a social animal, and as such, it is very important to understand the psychology of how we interact with each other, or act as a group rather than as an individual. By understanding the “natural” social needs of […]

Sports Psychology Online Course Sale!

Appropriate for coaches, athletes, physical education teachers, fitness instructors, trainers and anyone interested in sports. Develop your skills and application of psychological principles for use in sports. Learn about such things as psychological traits common to successful athletes, ways to keep and increase motivation, leadership, aggression and team dynamics. Develop your skills and understanding of […]

Appropriate for coaches, athletes, physical education teachers, fitness instructors, trainers and anyone interested in sports. Develop your skills and application of psychological principles for use in sports. Learn about such things as psychological traits common to successful athletes, ways to keep and increase motivation, leadership, aggression and team dynamics. Develop your skills and understanding of […]

the brain

What to expect: Discover what makes your brain tick in this short course on Neuroscience – from understanding how the human brain functions, how it recovers from damage, to its anatomy and biology. The human brain is an amazing piece of architecture. Weighing in at an average of just 3 pounds, or 1.3kg, our brains […]

What to expect: Discover what makes your brain tick in this short course on Neuroscience – from understanding how the human brain functions, how it recovers from damage, to its anatomy and biology. The human brain is an amazing piece of architecture. Weighing in at an average of just 3 pounds, or 1.3kg, our brains […]

The course was well presented, easy to access and provided all the subjects so that participants can work at their own pace. If you are looking for an introductory course into psychology, this is the perfect course!!

Karen Jan Thorneycroft

Abnormal Psychology Graduate

I believe the course was a valuable learning experience for me as I was unsure on whether I would want to go further within the in Psychology department.  After doing this course I cannot wait to start my next one and development my knowledge on this particular subject.

Victoria Cound

Introduction to Psychology Graduate

Why Study Psychology?

As humans, we are social creatures.  Our lives both professional and personal consist of constant interactions with other people.  Psychology gives us insight into the motivation, feelings and desires of the people around us.  By studying psychology we gain clarity and understanding in both the workplace and within our personal relationships.  Psychology is a surprising important business tool particularly in user engagement, sales and human resource management and can play a huge impact in the success of a business.  Many of our students have a natural interest in people, but more importantly have a particular need to understand a section of society such as teenagers (for teachers and counsellors),  clients (for business to understand motivation),  their family  and so on.   Other students use these courses to gap fill areas in their resume or skills set and others use them as a stepping stone to further education.


Can I be a psychologist after completing one of these courses?

No, psychology is a government regulated industry.  There are very high standards and strict requirements.  You would need to attend university, complete a psychology degree and then obtain post graduate qualifications and more.   Our courses are fantastic stepping stones to acheiving this, but they would only be a start.

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