Online Short Courses

✓ Self-Paced      ✓ Flexible Study Schedule     ✓ Affordable

Our online short courses are a great way to start studying. 

Easy to finish – 20 hours study. 

Try one now.

Workplace Skills Short Courses

Building an Online Business

Business Etiquette

Business Succession Planning (Development & Maintenance)

Business Writing That Works

Call Center Training: Sales and Customer Service

Code of Conduct: Setting the Tone for Your Workplace

Communication Strategies

Conducting Accurate Internet Research

Conducting Effective Performance Reviews

Creating a Google AdWords Campaign

Cybersecurity: Fundamentals for Employees

Delegation: The Art of Delegating Effectively

Developing a Lunch and Learn Program

Developing a Safety Procedures Manual

Disability Awareness: Working with People with Disabilities

Diversity Training: Celebrating Diversity in the Workplace

E-Commerce Management

GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan

Generation Gap: Closing the Generation Gap in the Workplace

Getting Your Job Search Started

Hiring for Success: Behavioral Interviewing Techniques

Human Resources Training: HR for the Non-HR Manager

Identifying and Combating Fake News

Introduction to E-Mail Marketing

Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Managing Customer Service

Managing the Virtual Workplace

Mastering the Interview

Measuring Training Results

Orientation Handbook: Getting Employees Off to a Good Start

Purchasing and Procurement Basics

Skills for the Administrative Assistant

Telemarketing: Using the Telephone as a Sales Tool

Training with Visual Storytelling

Transgender Employees: Creating an Inclusive Work Community

Understanding and Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic

Women and Leadership: Owning Your Strengths and Skills

Workplace Harassment: What It Is and What To Do About It

Writing Reports and Proposals


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Choose a Course

edible legumes

What to expect: This edible legume crops short course is a thorough explanation of how to identify edible legumes and grow essential legume crops for food. Topic includes chickpeas, lentils, beans, peas, clovers, lupins, lucerne, soybeans and many more legumes that are essential for food supply. How does it work? Our 20 hour courses are […]


What to expect: Do you work with diverse individuals who have their own way of doing things? Do you sometimes find it challenging or frustrating when you don’t understand the way others think or act? Well this course will teach you how to embrace diversity and reap the benefits. How does it work? At the […]


Food and Beverage

What to expect: 20 hour course in Food and Beverage Operations for Restaurants, coffee shops, cafes and catering. Understand what is needed for managing and working in a food and beverage business and what you will need to get your feet on the floor and start your food and beverage operations career. How does it […]


GDPR Readiness

Learn how to create a data privacy plan for your organization with Careerline’s GDPR Readiness: Creating a Data Privacy Plan online course! What to expect: Creating a Data Privacy Plan: In today’s digital world, concerns about personal data privacy are at the top of consumer’s minds. And with the advent of the EU’s new GDPR […]


Getting Your Job Search Started

This 20-hr short course teaches job seekers to make the most of their local labor market, and to be ready to accept a job offer. What to expect: Getting Your Job Search Started is the perfect course for trainers and job coaches who help active job seekers develop their skills and kick off their job […]


Citrus Growing

What to expect: The citrus genus varies widely in respect to the variety of species and fruit types within it, popular ones being cumquats, limes, lemons, oranges, mandarins and less common fruits like buddha’s hand, pomelos, finger limes and the japanese yuzu. They earn their place in your backyard with divine white scented blooms and […]


Health Psychology

This course provides a foundation for understanding how health is linked to a person’s state of mind; and in doing so, how health issues might be at least partially addressed by attending to a person’s broad attitudes and psychological health. What to expect: Health is more than just the absence of disease or illness. Both […]


hooved animals

What to expect: This course is all about ungulates, also known as hooved mammals. Hooves (or hoofs) are put simply, an enlarged toenail. Some ungulates actually don’t have obvious hooves; but all do have hoof like structures which differentiate them from other types of mammals. Ungulates include a wide variety of animals, from deer, cattle […]


What to expect: Do you find WHS a bit overwhelming? Is the legislation intimidating at best? Unsure of your responsibilities in the workplace? This course will crack it all wide open and explain the nitty gritty of WHS in language YOU can relate to. How does it work? At the end of each lesson, you […]



What to expect: More than helping students understand the fermentation and winemaking process that goes into making wine, this course will help you understand the global wine markets, this course delves into different types of wines as well as fortified wine products such as liquors and ports. If you want to start your career as […]



Why study online courses?

Studying online gives you the power of flexibility and convenience. You don’t have to be anywhere at any specific time. We help you study at a time, place, and pace that suits you. Online short courses are especially suited to those who are short on time and need to get their qualification without delay.  Online short courses also allow you to turn hobbies into something more, kickstarting the learning process and opening the door to endless career and networking possibilities.

Are these online short courses right for you? 

Not sure whether or not a course is for you? With Careerline Courses, and especially with these online short courses you can test the waters before you commit to a longer course of study.  We also understand that desires and needs change with time. That’s why we remain flexible to help you out as much as we can.

We work hard to offer a vast range of courses on almost anything you can think of. From environmental introductory short courses to creative writing, editing, business, project management, sales success, and so much more, we’ve got an online short course for every taste and a price for every budget.

Who are these short courses courses for?

These short courses are for everyone who wants to learn and anyone with a desire to learn but not the time or money to commit to a longer course of study.

Do I need any prior knowledge?

No, all our short courses assume no prior knowledge and are designed as a practical guide to help you learn. 

How long are these short courses?

These online short courses should take approximately 20 hours of study to complete.

Ready to get started?

The benefits of online short courses are endless, and your journey begins with the decision to sign up. Choose a course today to start learning at a time that suits you – whether it’s during a lunch break or at night with a hot cup of tea.  Each course we offer dives deeply into the topic at hand, leaving nothing out of place to satisfy your desire for premium education in Australia. Enrol now to experience the Careerline Courses difference for yourself!


All Careerline Courses are accredited by IARC (and AGP, supporting ethical delivery of quality education).